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Feminist Epistemology Metaphysics Methods and Science Studies
26 Febbraio 2018
FEMMSS 7 Navigating Habitats: Feminist Explorations of Disability,
Climates, Ecosystems, and Technologies
Oregon State University, Corvallis, August 1st through 5th 2018
Call for proposals – papers, panels, posters, workshops
FEMMSS is a multidisciplinary organization. We welcome papers, posters,
panels, and workshops from any academic discipline and from outside the
academy. We especially encourage work that crosses traditional
boundaries—disciplinary and academic/nonacademic, among others—to expose
how issues of disability, gender, race, socioeconomic status, and other
areas of difference shape our understandings of the world, including
science scholarship, participation, policies, outcomes, and practice. In
addition to showcasing innovative work, FEMMSS aims to build a supportive
network in feminist science studies, epistemologies, metaphysics, and
feminist methodologies across disciplines, from humanities to social
sciences to STEM fields. It especially aims to include and encourage those
who are underrepresented or are in other ways disadvantaged within their
home disciplines.
Submission deadline February 26th, PST