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Aprile 2019

Gender Studies 2019 Conference – University of Helsinki

30 Aprile 2019

GENDER STUD­IES 2019 CONFERENCE CALL FOR PA­PERS CALL FOR PAPERS OPEN  21st of March 2019 – 30th of April   Gender Studies 2019 Conference: On Violence 24th of October – 26th of October 2019 University of Helsinki, Finland We welcome paper proposals for the Gender Studies 2019 Conference: On Violence. The Call is open until the 30th of April, 2019. We warmly invite scholars from a variety of locations in the Global North and South to participate in the discussions on violence.…

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Maggio 2019


5 Maggio 2019

SUMMER SCHOOL, WORKSHOP | 9:30 AM - 4:00 PM | CENTER FOR THE HISTORY OF WOMEN PHILOSOPHERS AND SCIENTISTS The Libori Summer School 2019 at the Center for the History of Women’s Philosophers will focus on “Teaching Women Philosophers.” This year, two parallel Libori Summer Schools will be run, one in English and one in German language (see the German information below). Our invited guest for the English section are: Sarah Hutton, University of York, UK; Sabrina Ebbersmeyer, University of…

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Guest Editors for Simone de Beauvoir Studies

15 Maggio 2019

Call for Guest Editors Simone de Beauvoir Studies Simone de Beauvoir Studies is currently seeking a guest editor/s for a special issue (Vol. 31, Issue 2) that will be published in fall 2020. Each special issue of Simone de Beauvoir Studies (SdBS) generally contains six to seven articles organized by a theme chosen by the guest editor.Interested parties should submit a CV, a sample Call for Papers for the proposed theme, and a brief statement of interest that outlines their qualifications and addresses…

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Call rivista Segni e Comprensione: Edith Stein, Simone Weil, Hannah Arendt

30 Maggio 2019

Esistenza e giudizio - Edith Stein, Simone Weil, Hannah Arendt La filosofia del Novecento, in molte delle sue correnti e componenti, come l’ermeneutica, l’esistenzialismo, lo storicismo problematico, l’antropoanalisi, fenomenologica, ha cercato di comprendere le scissioni e la “difettività” dell’esistere. In fondo, ogni riconciliazione e giustificazione, e dunque ogni autentica comprensione, muove dal tentativo di superare la scissione e di annullare la rovina del negativo. Spesso è stato posto in gioco l’inquietante interrogativo: come vincere la scissione? Forse, per superare la…

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Giugno 2019

The 2nd International Conference on Gender and Sexuality 2019

3 Giugno 2019

“Re-thinking Gender and Sexuality: What do we know? What have we learnt? What’s next?" 03rd – 04th October 2019 | Colombo, Sri Lanka Visit Website - Recourse Person Prof. Shahana Rasool - (D.Phil Social Policy –Oxford) | Associate Prof.: HEAD of Department of Social Work | University of Johannesburg Dr. Sharifa Al Yahyai - Former Minister of Social Development, Sultanate of Oman | Academic Specialist in Women’s Studies | Board Member of Arab Women Foundation | Member of Advisory Board in University…

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CFP: Is Gender Dangerous? Unravelling anti-gender and anti-migrant movements and reflecting on the current challenges of doing research on gender / University of Amsterdam/

15 Giugno 2019

Is Gender Dangerous? Unravelling anti-gender and anti-migrant movements and reflecting on the current challenges of doing research on gender Two-day workshop on 19-20 September 2019, Free University of Amsterdam Call for papers The Network for the Anthropology of Gender and Sexuality (NAGS) of the European Association of Social Anthropologists (EASA) will hold its Interannual Meeting and two-day workshop on 19-20 September 2019 at Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, the Netherlands. Over the last years, we have witnessed a growing importance of gender and sexuality issues in public and…

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Call for Respondents: Conference by Women in Philosophy – Groningen, June 24

24 Giugno 2019

For the Conference by Women in Philosophy 2019, we are looking for respondents willing to comment on presentations, which will take place Monday 24 June at Rijksuniversiteit Groningen (RUG). The program of the conference, where all talks are listed, can be found here: The goal of the conference is to provide a platform for undergraduate and graduate women philosophers to present their work to their peers. In this way we hope to create an opportunity for young women philosophers…

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Luglio 2019

CFP (sempre aperto) Carnets de voyages / Simone de Beauvoir//

16 Luglio 2019 - 31 Luglio 2021

"Carnets de voyages", une toute nouvelle rubrique sur le carnet Hypotheses Chère Simone de Beauvoir,  vous invite à vous raconter et à raconter votre passion pour Simone de Beauvoir à travers le prisme du voyage. Plus d'infos par ici : Deux textes de Tiphaine Martin inaugurent la rubrique : "Simone de Beauvoir, amours et voyages" "Simone de Beauvoir voyageuse ?" Vos contributions (en français ou en anglais, 2000 mots max) sont les bienvenues.

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Call for Papers for a special issue of British Journal for the History of Philosophy: women in philosophy

31 Luglio 2019

Lost Voices: Founding Mothers of Contemporary Philosophy Call for Papers for a special issue of British Journal for the History of Philosophy The history of contemporary philosophy is generally presented by its historians as a field founded entirely by men, with no prominent female contributors until figures like Anscombe, Barcan, and Foot began to make their names in the 1950s. Historical investigation of the period usually centres itself around Frege, Russell, and Wittgenstein, with occasional ventures into Moore or the…

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Settembre 2019

CFP: Feminism & Classics 2020: body/language *

1 Settembre 2019

Feminism & Classics 2020: body/language FemClas 2020, the eighth quadrennial conference of its kind, takes place on May 21–24, 2020, in Winston-Salem, North Carolina, at the invitation of the Wake Forest University Department of Classics and Department of Philosophy.  The conference theme is "body/language," broadly construed, and papers on all topics related to feminism, Classics, Philosophy, and related themes are welcome. This conference focuses on the use of the body and/or language to gain, lose, contest, or express power and…

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