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Critical Theory Feminism Conference, Bristol //

27 Marzo 2019

Call for Abstract

This conference brings together philosophers working in Critical Theory and Feminism with political theorists and professional psychoanalysts in an interdisciplinary context to develop a compelling new perspectives on gendered oppression. By combining (Frankfurt School) Critical Theory and feminist concerns and applying both to the different feminist approaches themselves such new perspectives can offer compelling normative framework(s) and/or comprehensive ways to conceptualise problems of gendered injustice as well as productive ways to understand and navigate internal conflicts between the different approaches within feminism. Such  perspectives might also inform Critical Theory methodology itself.

Some of the topics the conference will address, for example (list is not exhaustive):

  • Universalism and particularity (e.g. identity politics, intersectionality)
  • Critical Theory, “progress” and feminism.
  • Inclusion and exclusion
  • Decolonial Theory and Critical Theory
  • Decolonial Theory and Feminism
  • Mechanisms of domination
  • Notions of emancipation
  • A Critical Theory analysis of social movements (e.g. “me too”)
  • Relation between feminism and anti-racism (incl. anti anti-semitism)
  • Feminist approaches to psychoanalysis
  • The role of vulnerabilityInvited Speakers
  • Federica Gregoratto, University of St Gallen, Switzerland
  • Mariana O N Teixeira, Free University, Berlin, Germany and CEBRAP
  • Danielle Petherbridge, University College Dublin, Republic of Ireland
  • Estelle Ferrarese, Université de Picardie Jules Verne, Amiens, France
  • Ingrid Cyfer, Federal University of Saõ Paulo, Saõ Paulo, Brazil
  • Inara Marin, CEBRAP (Brazilian Centre for Analysis and Planning), Saõ Paula, Brazil
  • Ina Kerner, University of Koblenz, Koblenz, Germany
  • Karin Stoegner, University of Passau, Passau, Germany

We invite 300-500 word abstracts relating to above and similar issues. Abstracts should be sent by 27th March. The conference is open to all. Conference fee: £50 for 3 days or £20 per day. The conference is free for students and the unwaged. If you wish to participate and have childcare needs or if you have other questions about the conference, please also email


27 Marzo 2019
Categoria Evento: