Marzo 2017
Confini: la riflessione femminista
DEP. Deportate, esuli, profughe. Rivista telematica di studi sulla memoria femminile http:www.unive.it/dep Confini: la riflessione femminista Convegno internazionale 30 novembre/1 dicembre 2017 Richiesta di contributi per il convegno e per un numero speciale di DEP in uscita nel luglio 2018 Nell’ambito delle 16 giornate di attivismo contro la violenza di genere promossa dall’ONU (UniTe to end violence against women http://www.un.org/en/women/endviolence/), la rivista “DEP. Deportate, esuli, profughe” organizza un convegno internazionale sul tema dei confini nelle teorie femministe. Il confine, una…
Per saperne di più »Politics of the Sensate Subject – Judith Butler
The 5 th Graduate Conference in Political Theory of Sciences Po Paris will be held on June 28-29, 2017. Each year, the conference brings together young political theorists representing a variety of traditions and methods to discuss the work of one prominent author. This edition will focus on the work of Judith Butler (Maxine Elliott Professor, UC Berkeley), who will be out keynote speaker. A well-known public intellectual, Judith Butler has explored the disquieting relationship between subjects and norms through…
Per saperne di più »Libori Summer School
International Libori Summer School 2017 – University Paderborn, Germany - Call for Applications The “Center for the History of Women Philosophers and Scientists” (HWPS) encourages international undergraduate and graduate students, as well as interested faculty and scholars, to apply for participation in our First International Libori Summer School at Paderborn University, from July 23rd to 28th, 2017. Plenary presentations, round-tables, and five courses focusing on women philosophers (30 Contact Hours) will be offered to participating students and scholars. You will…
EDITORS: FÉLIX BOGGIO ÉWANJÉ-ÉPÉE, MORGANE MERTEUIL, MATTHIEU RENAULT. PRÉSENTATION Feminism and revolution: juxtaposing the two terms seems to go without saying. Who could deny that feminism is indeed revolutionary? In the collective consciousness, whether in reference to specific historical sequences or in more general terms, feminism points to a radical transformation in, to start with, social, legal, and cultural relations. Yet, in research as well as in activism, feminism is rarely grasped in and through the angle of its own…
Per saperne di più »Fourth Annual Conference by Women in Philosophy
For the fourth year in a row, the Conference by Women in Philosophy will be held in Amsterdam. This year’s conference will take place on Monday 3 July 2017 at the Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam. The goal of the conference is to provide a platform for undergraduate and graduate women philosophers to present their work to their peers. In this way we hope to create an opportunity for young women philosophers to inspire and motivate one another and to forge potentially…
Per saperne di più »A Sharing Of Speech: Scholarship On Or Inspired By The Work Of Luce Irigaray
8th Conference of The Irigaray CircleThe Institute for Theological Partnerships at the University of Winchester, UK June 23rd-25th 2017Luce Irigaray’s work has inspired and influenced scholars in a broad range of disciplines such as philosophy, literature, art, religion, architecture, the natural sciences and law. This conference will examine the diversity of scholarship inspired and informed by the philosophy of Luce Irigaray. It will bring together academics and other delegates drawing on Luce Irigaray’s immense body of work and will offer…
Per saperne di più »Arendt and Critical Theory Today
Arendt and Critical Theory Today 2nd Istanbul Critical Theory Conference – in Exile at the Carl von Ossietzky University, Oldenburg* 13-15 July 2017 Hannah Arendt’s political thought has been a source of controversy as much as it has inspired scholarly work in numerous directions. Some of the controversy is sparked by Arendt’s ambiguous relation to Frankfurt School thinkers. Her personal friendship with Walter Benjamin does not lead to an indiscriminate acceptance of Benjamin’s theses; her personal dislike…
Per saperne di più »First CIRQUE Conference, L’Aquila, March 31– April 2, 2017
First CIRQUE (Centro Interuniversitario di Ricerca Queer) Conference: What’s New in Queer Studies? L’Aquila, March 31–April 2, 2017 A PDF version of this Call for papers is available here: CIRQUE Conference Call for Papers L’Aquila March 2017 In the late 1980s, theorists such as Judith Butler, Eve Kosofsky Sedgwick and Teresa De Lauretis questioned and redefined existing discourses on identity, gender and sexuality, and called for new critical engagements in order to challenge the supposedly ‘natural’ and stable correspondence between sex,…
Per saperne di più »Aprile 2017
Premio Lorella Cedroni 2017
Al fine di incoraggiare la produzione scientifica di giovani studiose/i, l’Associazione di teoria politica Lorella Cedroni promuove un premio di euro 1.000,00, che verrà assegnato nel mese di maggio del 2017 alla migliore tesi di laurea magistrale discussa in Italia nell’anno solare precedente e conseguita con pieni voti e lode su argomenti di storia contemporanea, storia del pensiero politico, filosofia politica, sociologia e scienza politica. La richiesta di partecipazione, con allegato il pdf completo della tesi e un attestato di…
Per saperne di più »Gender and the Idea of Autonomy
The University of Bristol MAP Chapter announces a one-day symposium on Gender and the idea of Autonomy, held on June 5th 2017, free for all participants. They are looking for papers responding to their topic from within a variety of feminist schools. They are especially interested in the feminist perspectives of non-Anglo-American traditions, such as African, Islamic, and Chinese philosophy. Related themes include (but is not limited to): -Relationality and individual agency -Coercion and choice -Concepts of freedom and liberty -Oppression in…
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