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Gennaio 2017


20 Gennaio 2017

MARCH 8 (International Women’s Day) 2017CALL FOR PAPERS : EXTENDED DEADLINE As part of the celebrations for Hull as UK City of Culture 2017 the University of Hull is hosting an interdisciplinary celebration of the life, work and legacy of Mary Wollstonecraft, (who spent her formative years in the nearby town of Beverley). Papers are welcome on any aspect of Wollstonecraft’s life, work and legacy from Gender Studies, Philosophy, Politics, History, Literature, Education or any other relevant discipline. A prize…

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CfP: Feminisms in a Transnational Perspective: Love and Terror (Extremis Malis Extrema Remedia)

20 Gennaio 2017 -0:00 - 23:00

The 11th Postgraduate Course “Feminisms in a Transnational Perspective”:Love and Terror (Extremis Malis Extrema Remedia)Dubrovnik, IUC, May 22-26, 2017Call for ApplicationsFaced with the current moral collapse in dealing with migrations prompted by terror, with the supposed“importation of terror” by (im)migrants, with actual terrorist attacks and their various performativemodes (cfr. Bharucha, 2014), as well as with the justification for anti-terrorist measures that thrive onmore subtle and less visible forms of terrorizing, we propose a radical response of love. From minimalgestures of…

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Women in Philosophy: Philosophy in Action

31 Gennaio 2017

Uppsala University (Sweden); 22nd – 23rd May.   Keynote Speakers:  -       A. W. Eaton (University of Illinois at Chicago) -       Jennifer Lackey (Northwestern University) -       Helen Frowe (Stockholm University, Stockholm Centre for the Ethics of War and Peace) -       Kristin Sampson (University of Bergen)   Aim:  The conference will bring together female philosophers from all areas, serve to further the interaction of our research community, provide a platform for female philosophers, and most importantly, provide inspiration for female students of philosophy whilst surrounded by such role…

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Febbraio 2017

Master’s and PhD Scholarships in Gender Studies

1 Febbraio 2017

Central European University’s Department of Gender Studies attracts students from a range of disciplines in the social sciences and humanities, and focuses on integrative and comparative approaches to gender studies. Programs aim to critically examine past and present developments related to gender in culture and society. The curriculum in the department emphasizes interdisciplinary scholarship on gender and sexuality, particularly in areas such as nationalism, post/ state socialism, queer theory, science studies, literature and popular culture, transnational connections, social movements, war…

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International Association for the Study of the Philosophy of Edith Stein

10 Febbraio 2017

CALL FOR PAPERS International Association for the Study of the Philosophy of Edith Stein in collaboration with the University of Portland and the McNerney-Hanson Endowed Chair in Ethics presents the Fourth Bi-Annual International Conference Applications & Implications: Ethics and Metaphysics in Edith Stein’s Philosophy June 8, 9, 10, 2017, University of Portland, USA Guest Speakers: Sarah Borden Sharkey (Wheaton College), Michael F. Andrews (University of Portland), Christof Betschart (University of Fribourg, Switzerland) and Suzanne M. Batzdorff Edith Stein (1891–1942) never…

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CFP: Women, Nature, & Colonies

15 Febbraio 2017

Power, Reproduction, and Unpaid Work/Energy in the Capitalist World-Ecology World-Ecology 2017: Binghamton, USA Third annual conference of the World-Ecology Research Network 21-22 July, 2017, Binghamton University, Binghamton, NY We welcome proposals for individual papers as well as paper sessions, book sessions, and panel discussions. Inquiries and proposals may be sent to: Deadline for proposals: 15 February, 2017: Two important currents of critical thought have gained special prominence over the past decade: the Marxist critique of capitalist ecology, and…

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“Literature, Translation, and Mediation by and for Children: Gender, Diversity, and Stereotype”

15 Febbraio 2017 -0:00 - 23:55

CALL FOR PAPERS “Literature, Translation, and Mediation by and for Children: Gender, Diversity, and Stereotype” Università di Bologna, Campus di Forlì, 25-26-27 ottobre 2017 Il convegno internazionale è organizzato da MeTRa, Centro Studi interdisciplinari sulla Mediazione e la Traduzione a opera di e per ragazze/i. Gli interessi di ricerca del Centro MeTra sono molteplici e spaziano dalle problematiche linguistiche, pedagogiche e interculturali connesse alla traduzione di testi orientati a un pubblico di giovani lettrici/lettori e spettatrici/spettatori, alla riflessione critica sul…

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Gender, work, organisation and nonhuman animals

28 Febbraio 2017

A CfP for Gender, Work and Organisation. The special issue deadline is the end of February 2017 and the special issue aims to address the potential for feminist perspectives to enhance our understanding of work and nonhuman animals. Submissions may address questions such as: · How can feminist theory be used to reveal and understand the gendered labour of human and nonhuman animals within organizations? · In what ways can the feminist critical post-humanist and post-anthropomorphist approaches of thinkers like…

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Giving Life to Politics: The Work of Adriana Cavarero

28 Febbraio 2017 -8:00 - 17:00

Centre for Applied Philosophy, Politics, & Ethics (CAPPE) University of Brighton Interdisciplinary Conference Giving Life to Politics: The Work of Adriana Cavarero 19th June - 21st June 2017 Keynote Speakers Adriana Cavarero Judith Butler Bonnie Honig This three-day conference is a sustained engagement with, and celebration of, the life work of Italian feminist philosopher Adriana Cavarero. It also marks the publication of her most recent text Inclinations: A Critique of Rectitude (Stanford University Press, 2016). Adriana Cavarero has been at…

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Marzo 2017


1 Marzo 2017

FEMMES, FÉMINISMES et PHILOSOPHIES Sous la direction de Diane Lamoureux,  Naïma Hamrouni et Ryoa Chung En 2016, la philosophie représente toujours l’une des rares disciplines des sciences humaines surreprésentée par des hommes et imprégnée d’une culture que certaines personnes dépeignent comme particulièrement hostile aux femmes et aux valeurs traditionnellement associées au féminin (voir, par exemple, Haslanger (2008) et Hutchison et Jenkins (2013)). Malgré la reconnaissance grandissante de la philosophie féministe et des réflexions philosophiques inspirées par le féminisme dans le…

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