Ottobre 2016
Autumn School – Master Class Workshop with Prof Dr Mary Ellen Waithe
October 10th-14th, 2016 Paderborn University, Germany http://uni-paderborn.de/autumnschool2016 Master Class - Researching for Publication: Oliva Sabuco This is a Master Class workshop for advanced students who are interested in the history of women philosophers and who have a desire to learn how to research and write for academic publication. The Master Class meets Friday afternoon, 14 October 14:30-17:30 and Saturday, 15 October, 10:00-13:00. Please note, Friday, 14 October, 14:30-17:30 is a joint meeting with the Seminar Women Philosophers of Antiquity in…
Per saperne di più »Degrowth Society – Feminist Perspectives
The question of the limits to economic growth, the search for alternative concepts of production and consumption, as well as the question of the organization of social life have long been discussed within feminist debates. In light of multiple crises of capitalism and since the recent financial and banking crisis of 2008, criticism of capitalist dynamics of growth and a demand for alternative modes of consumption and production within the Global North are becoming increasingly discernible. ‘Degrowth’ provides a new…
Per saperne di più »Novembre 2016
The Dutch Journal for Gender Studies: Special Issue: “‘Now What?’ New Feminist Materialisms (NFM)? Contemporary and Future Directions”
Call for papers The Dutch Journal for Gender Studies (Tijdschrift voor Genderstudies) Special Issue: “‘Now What?’ New Feminist Materialisms (NFM)? Contemporary and Future Directions” Special issue editors: Dieuwke Boersma (independent artist & researcher, d.h.boersma@gmail.com), Émilie Dionne (University of Ottawa, edionne@uottawa.ca), Evelien Geerts (UC Santa Cruz, egeerts@ucsc.edu), Beatriz Revelles-Benavente (University of Barcelona, bearev25@gmail.com) Contemporary Western societies are changing at full speed and with full force, while being confronted with unique, localised – but ever so globalised, transnational and entangled – socio-political,…
Per saperne di più »Feminist Utopias: Transforming the Present of Philosophy
Feminist Utopias: Transforming the Present of Philosophy Historical and Contemporary Perspectives Symposium in Reykjavik and Skálholt, Iceland 30th of March to 2nd of April, 2017 Co-hosted by Feminist Philosophy Transforming Philosophy at The University of Iceland and NSU Study Circle Feminist Philosophy: Time, History and the Transformation of Thought Keynote speakers: Alison Jaggar University of Colorado, Boulder Kristie Dotson Michigan State University Nancy Bauer Tufts University Willow Verkerk Kingston University Feminist Utopias: Transforming the Present of Philosophy Some of the…
Per saperne di più »Master’s and PhD Scholarships in Gender Studies
At: Central European University, Gender Studies Budapest, Hungary Central European University’s Department of Gender Studies attracts students from a range of disciplines in the social sciences and humanities, and focuses on integrative and comparative approaches to gender studies. Programs aim to critically examine past and present developments related to gender in culture and society. The curriculum in the department emphasizes interdisciplinary scholarship on gender and sexuality, particularly in areas such as nationalism, post/ state socialism, queer theory, science studies, literature…
Per saperne di più »Dicembre 2016
Femminismi e Liberismo
Il Giardino dei Ciliegi in collaborazione con la Società Italiana delle Letterate con il sostegno di Arci Firenze Via dell'Agnolo 5, Firenze 2-4 dicembre 2016 Venerdì 2 dicembre Ore 15,00-19,00 Le parole e le cose Coordina Lidia Campagnano Oggetti del neoliberismo con Maria Nadotti, Alessandra Pigliaru, Brunella Casalini, Pamela Marelli, Antonella Petricone, Lisa Marchi Sabato 3 dicembre Ore 9,00-13,00 Il tempo liberista Clotilde Barbarulli e Liana Borghi Introduzione Aldo Ceccoli Dopo il convegno di Ipazia, dolore e politica Cristina Morini…
The InterLitteras Research Centre kindly invites submissions in English, French, German, Italian and Spanish for issues no 7 and 8 of the academic journal „Concordia Discors vs Discordia Concors: Researches into Comparative Literature, Contrastive Linguistics, Cross-Cultural and Translation Strategies” (http://condisdiscon.blogspot.ro/2015/02/aims-and-scope.html) on topics related to inter- and transdisciplinarity, the guiding concepts of our major focus: Arts Trek. Cross-Artistic Approaches. Interviews and reviews of books/plays/films/musical performances/art exhibitions are also accepted, which need not relate to the topic at issue.For the past six…
Per saperne di più »CFP – Convegno “Nouveaux imaginaires du féminin”
Université de Nice 21 et 22 septembre 2017 Les façons de nous représenter le monde sont informées par un héritage culturel, politique et historique produit, des siècles durant, par des élites dont l’homogénéité sociale conditionnait la vision du monde. Si le phénomène est observable dans tous les domaines, c’est d’autant plus vrai pour les rôles et les identités de genre, le croisement des discours biologiques, juridiques et culturels composant de la sorte une structure qui a durablement vertébré le social…
Per saperne di più »Gennaio 2017
Il corpo e la polis – terzo incontro
Nuove forme di intimità, relazioni, mutualità e cura ai tempi della Rete e delle PMA A cura di Lea Melandri Intervengono: Chiara Martucci, Cristina Morini e Giulia Selmi Coordina: Alessandra Ghimenti I cambiamenti a cui stiamo assistendo – il venir meno dei confini tra pubblico e privato, la crisi della famiglia tradizionale, la precarizzazione del lavoro e le nuove tecnologie – aprono nuovi scenari per affrontare alcuni dei bisogni primari riguardanti le relazioni: dalla riproduzione alla cura, dalla socialità alla…
Per saperne di più »Challenging Capitalist Modernity III: Uncovering Democratic Modernity Resistance, Rebellion and Building the New
Capitalism is stuck in a structural crisis and losing legitimacy worldwide despite the claim that no alternatives ― exist. At the same time right-wing and reactionary movements offer themselves as alternatives. But there are other ways than the seemingly only alternatives. In Rojava/North Syria it was possible not only to not take sides but to establish an own, “third way”. The building of a non-patriarchal system and a democratic economic order seems within reach and has the chance to establish…
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