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Settembre 2018

Feminism & Technology Conference

17 Settembre 2018

School of English, Communication and Philosophy, Cardiff University, 3rd- 4th December 2018 Technology is changing the way humans relate to the world and to each other at an ever-increasing rate. While many of the changes are positive, the infiltration of technology into almost every aspect of human life and the potential for its misuse raise serious questions. An important dimension of such considerations concerns the impact of emerging technologies on feminism. While the question of feminist technology has been recently raised…

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Ottobre 2018

[AtGender] CFP Special Issue “Feminist new materialisms: Activating ethico-politics through genealogies in social sciences”

1 Ottobre 2018

Message from the Guest Editors New materialisms refer to a specific ethico-political and onto-epistemological turn deeply committed to decentralize knowledge production, cut across pre-established dichotomies, and focus on processes transversing hierarchies of power relations that organize diverse forms of life. In particular, it is a methodology of situating material-discursive practices that form specific socio-cultural phenomena via a relational ontology. Here, different elements come to being through intra-actions. Agency materializes and redefines itself as a more than isolated human agency. This…

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[cfp] On the Threshold: Ambiguities, Differences, Intersections in Simone de Beauvoir’s Oeuvre ///

1 Ottobre 2018

November 22−24, 2018, University of Latvia, Riga Abstract Submission Deadline (extended): Monday, October 1st, 2018 Paper Submission Deadline: Monday, November 17th, 2018 The international conference On the Threshold: Ambiguities, Differences, Intersections in Simone de Beauvoir's Oeuvre is dedicated to the 110th anniversary of Simone de Beauvoir’s birth. It is hosted by the Institute ofPhilosophy and Sociology and the Faculty of Philosophy and History, University of Latvia. Simone de Beauvoir refused to be called a philosopher. She did not identify herself as a feminist either, at least not initially. None of these disclaimers hold true…

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Novembre 2018

CFA – Le donne filosofe dall’antichità ai giorni nostri /

1 Novembre 2018

Workshop organizzato da Università di Bergamo (LFC) & SWIP Italia Bergamo, 13-14 dicembre 2018   Keynote speakers: Caterina Pellò (Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin - Cambridge University), Sandra Plastina (Università della Calabria) Benché il canone filosofico tradizionale sia popolato da figure quasi esclusivamente maschili e la filosofia accademica risenta ancora fortemente di pregiudizi di genere, il futuro della filosofia si prospetta più giusto ed egualitario. Il pensiero delle donne è infatti oggi oggetto di un maggiore riconoscimento e di una crescente rivalutazione: dalle filosofe pitagoriche…

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CFP: “Feminist Ethics and the Question of Gender”

15 Novembre 2018

DE ETHICA - A JOURNAL OF PHILOSOPHICAL, THEOLOGICAL AND APPLIED ETHICS <> Special Issue: "Feminist Ethics and the Question of Gender" Why should feminist ethics and gender be a central focus in the work of philosophical and theological ethics? While this question has been discussed within the fields of feminist and gender theory, philosophers and theologians have often overlooked the category of gender in their work. Is feminist ethics a distinct ethical theory, or rather a category of inquiry in…

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Dicembre 2018

Gender & Development: Feminist Values in Research issue

15 Dicembre 2018

In November 2019, the international journal Gender & Development will examine the theme of Feminist Values in Research. G&D is a unique journal: a forum for the sharing of analysis and experience between feminist activists involved in development research, policy, and practice. For more information, visit Research needs to be rooted in the experience, needs, and interests of the whole of humanity. But down the centuries, educated elites have shaped and dominated research and defined knowledge and learning. This…

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Gennaio 2019

Our Space, Our Place: Creating Ecofeminism // CFP //

25 Gennaio 2019

Glasgow Women’s Library Saturday 30th March 2019 10am-4pm Global ecological activism is built on the work of women. Yet the value of women’s environmental campaigning and action often remains invisible. Our Space, Our Place: Creating Ecofeminism, a partnership between researchers at universities across Scotland and Glasgow Women’s Library, calls together ecofeminist academics, environmental campaigners, writers, artists, community workers and performers for a day of papers, performances and workshops, exploring how ecofeminist theory and practice can unite to imagine and realise…

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Febbraio 2019

I International Conference Women in Modern Philosophy – Rio de Janeiro, June 2019

10 Febbraio 2019

The First International Conference on Women of Modern Philosophy will be held in Rio de Janeiro, 17th to 20th June 2019). Rio de Janeiro is a national center of Early Modern Philosophy. All Brazilian researchers who confirmed participation in the meeting are heirs of that school of reading the history of philosophy with a method of conceptual analysis, with deep respect to the letter of the historical text. It will be be a joyous occasion for the beginning of an exchange and network on…

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Marzo 2019

Simone de Beauvoir Studies (Brill)

1 Marzo 2019

Les Simone de Beauvoir Studies (SdBS) acceptent des articles pour être publiés dans la revue. Merci de regarder le site de la revue pour les instructions aux auteurs et aux autrices, et pour soumettre un article : Son premier numéro paraîtra en 2019 et il contiendra les articles sur les thèmes « Nouveau visage pour les Simone de Beauvoir Studies » (vol. 30, no. 1) et « Dialogues avec Beauvoir » (vol. 31, no. 2). SdBS est une revue interdisciplinaire à comité de rédaction dédiée aux écrits, à la pensée et à…

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CFP – Beauvoir in Conversation

1 Marzo 2019

Simone de Beauvoir Studies is currently accepting submissions for its Fall Issue 2019 (Vol. 30, Issue 2), which will be oriented around the theme “Beauvoir in Conversation.” There are at least three relevant senses of conversation at play in the essays featured in this special issue. First, it implicates engagement with those thinkers who were Beauvoir’s interlocutors in life or on the page, as well as those conversations that are waiting to happen with thinkers whose ideas and writings speak to Beauvoir’s in…

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