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Fourth Annual Conference by Women in Philosophy
22 Marzo 2017
For the fourth year in a row, the Conference by Women in Philosophy will be held in Amsterdam. This year’s conference will take place on Monday 3 July 2017 at the Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam. The goal of the conference is to provide a platform for undergraduate and graduate women philosophers to present their work to their peers. In this way we hope to create an opportunity for young women philosophers to inspire and motivate one another and to forge potentially productive alliances. The conference features a plenary discussion with a keynote speaker (t.b.a.) about the position of women in philosophy, as well as workshops on academic skills. In the Netherlands, like in the rest of the world, women are underrepresented in academic philosophy. Being young women ourselves, we want to challenge this situation – whilst being aware of the fact that the marginal positioning of women in philosophy also depends on factors other than their sex, like ethnicity, religion, social status, disability or sexual orientation. We are committed to creating a more balanced environment and to empowering (those identifying as) women to make the academic space their own. We therefore invite (those identifying as) women philosophers (BA, MA, PhD, recent alumnae) to send in abstracts for paper presentations in any area of philosophy. We will accept a maximum of approximately 20 papers. If you are a teacher, please encourage your women students to react to our call.
Deadline: 22 March 2017
Word limit: 500 words
Include up to 5 key words.
Prepare your abstract for blind review (your abstract should be anonymous).
Include a separate document with your contact information, your current academic occupation (i.e.: your position or study program, or your most recent degree), and the title of your paper.
Abstracts can be submitted via e-mail at womeninphilosophyconference@gm
ail.com. -
Take into account that you are expected to hand in a paper before the conference, so that your respondent may read it. The deadline will be communicated to accepted presenters. (Working papers and student papers are eligible.)
Abstracts may be written in English or Dutch.
Each presenter will have 20 minutes to present her paper and there will be a respondent for each paper. The expected conference fee is €10. Everyone is welcome to attend the conference. The conference is organized by philosophy students and PhD candidates from the Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam and the University of Amsterdam (UvA).