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“Posthuman Ethics in the Anthropocene” – Course announcement
21 Agosto 2017 -8:00 - 25 Agosto 2017 -17:00
Da parte di Rosi Braidotti:
I am offering a one-week intensive program within the prestigious Utrecht University Summer School (21-25 August 2017). The course title is “Posthuman Ethics in the Anthropocene”.
I am looking for interested PhD and other research students who may want to enroll for this course.
You will find all the information on the official website:
Prof. Rosi Braidotti (FAHA, MAE), Distinguished University Professor, www.rosibraidotti.com. Achter de Dom 20, 3512JP Utrecht, The Netherlands. Tel. 31-30-2536507.See also: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-C5fhenwqoY
Prof. Braidotti delivered the Tanner Lectures on Human Values at Yale University 2017: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OjxelMWLGCo
See “Conflicting Humanities” (Bloomsbury, 2016), edited by Rosi Braidotti and Paul Gilroy.
Also “The Subject of Rosi Braidotti” (Bloomsbury, 2014), edited by Bolette Blaagaard and Iris van der Tuin.
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